Honest Feedback wanted

Armo baby, nice chops. The recording itself didn't do the performance any justice. The recording was bit muffled so it's kind a hard to discern different items in the mix. I hear the old MIDI background band did some session work on your recording...nothing to be ashamed of...you don't have to pay them and no one pee's on your carpet. I wasn't too sure of the guitar tone at first but it definately grew on me. The song is put together quite well with the fills and even harmony guitar parts. I especially enjoyed the neo-classical build on guitar to the end. Just work on getting a better quality recording and you can go places. The talent sounds there but you just need a good recording medium to relay it.

keep recording....post more
Hi there: With a name like that, I just HAD to listen...LOL. Here's my honest feedback.

You can play, and the piece was pretty creative.

2. The mix pretty much sucks as is. It sounds like everything is kinda' sharing a lot of the same frequencies, and those frequencies are low, so the mix is pretty mushy. I don't wanna' say "muddy," because it's really not. It's just ill defined and all cramped together. Instead of focusing on EQ, i think you should try bringing out some of the high end elements, like the high hat...right now, it's this tiny kinda' *plink* in the background, as is the snare. Basically, everything is buried except for the guitar and that synth thing that pops up....that' sounded good. I'd also take a shot at taking some of the lows out of the guitars and putting some mids in there...it sounds like you're trying to compensate for bad EQ on the guitar with volume.

nitpick - The drum kit sounds backwards to me at the beginning...toms rolling to the right. Obviously, this isn't a huge deal, lol...just kinda' stuck out to me for some reason.

All right, my post was about 85% negative, so I feel kinda' like an ass... but I guess that's why we're here, eh?

Post more, and again...welcome.
Thanks for the input guys. I'm still trying to work out this "frequency sharing" thing. I guess much of it will come with more experince.

Regarding the drums being backwards - I am a drummer so I tend to mix from a drumers perspective (even when its a cheesy MIDI sequence.) It just messes with my mind when the hats are on the right.

The new tune I'm working on has real drums on it, broke out the mics and spent an afternoon trying to get the sounds. I'll post when its done.

Thanks again for the input.
ObeseArmadillo said:
I'm still trying to work out this "frequency sharing" thing...
Think of it like this...if you've got an electric guitar track, and you play it by itself, it probably sounds great "as is." Same thing with the bass track. But when you put the 2 together, all of a sudden, both instruments sound muddy, because they're overlapping in the low frequencies. Each instrument needs it's own "space" to sit in order for it to have definition and separation. In the example above, I'd roll off the lows on your guitar and then listen to it in the mix...odds are, it'll actually sound louder.

Looking forward to the next one,
Good feedback from Chris.

I like the stereo stuff and layering you did with the guitars. If you would, give some details (how many guitar tracks, how were they panned).

In addition to Chris' comments on separation, I noticed the cymbals were panned a bit wide (at least for my taste). They sounded a little weird on headphones.

Good playing, nice tone on the guitars. Keep working at it and keep posting.

And I liked your moniker too :D:D.

edit: where was that "naughty boy" clip taken from?
Chris -

I will try cutting on some of the overlapping frequencys. Excellent description. Thanks.

Triple M -

Thanks for the feedback, the guitar were tracked as follows:

All Guitar parts were recorded in stereo.

Track 1 - Ryth. GTR A left: panned hard left
Track 2 - Ryth. GTR A right: panned hard right
Track 3 - Ryth. GTR B left: panned hard left
Track 4 - Ryth. GTR B right: panned hard right
Track 5 - Lead GTR A left: panned ~10 oclock
Track 6 - Lead GTR A right: panned hard right
Track 7 - Lead GTR B left: panned hard left
Track 8 - Lead GTR B right: panned ~ 2 oclock

I might have 5&6 reversed with 7&8 but you get the idea.

I agree with the cymbal panning issue. I've got to tweak that patch in the 01 to take care of that.

The naughty boy clip is from Monty Pythons' The Life of Brian - "He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy, now piss off!"

Thanks again for the input. It gives me areas to concentrate on.
Sounds cool from here!
Nice instrumental work,great playing man!
I like the way you built the tune with layered guitars.

How did you record the guitars?

Really enjoyed it,
I just think you need to record with a real amp, real drums, and EQ the bass to get some more definition out of it (change the strings, etc.) and use a little less delay, and I think it will be just fine.

Thanks for the kind words. To the best of my memory the guitars were recorded as follows:

Both Ryth Parts - Cheap LTD Guitar --> Zoom GFX (Power was the patch name I think) Stereo out to the board were I cut arround 800Hz and engaged my low pass filter on both chanels --> out to sub 1 & 2 --> Tracks X and Y on my SDR.

Both Lead Parts - Same LTD Guitar --> RP100 (Patch was BeBad I think) the rest of the path is the same.

I hope that answers your question.

Chessrock -

Real Drums - can do, it gets a little rough from there. I don't even own an amp and the bass is off a synth. But I hear what you are saying. Hmmmm redo the baby's room or buy some more expense stuff for the studio! Just kidding (In case my wife sees this!)
The guys already covered that techi' stuff as to the mixing. The sound seemed kinda like you were going for a live sound, but it got a little thick. I really enjoyed that groove and the playing. It makes me wanna do something along that feel too. I think that is a very impressive First!
Toki -

Thanks, and I agree with the "thickness" thing. I've got some real good advice from you guys - I might just retrack this after I wrap up a few other tunes. Although I must admit that thanks to this fourm - wrapping up may take a while longer as I try to implement some of the great suggestions I have picked up here.

Thanks again.