HomestudioXL 2002 & E-MU 1212m soundcard


New member
I am posting this here and with the computor/soundcard section. I just purchased a new computer and an E-MU1212m soundcard. I have sound on other applications but hear nothing in cakewalk even though it scrolls through the sound. I have done the diagnostic and it says everything is fine.

If anyone has any advice or has had this problem PLEASE let me know.

Does the E-MU have WDM and/or MME drivers?

HS-2002 needs one or the other to work, it does not support ASIO drivers, the newer HS-2004/HS-2 does support them tho.
The E-mu does have WDM, but it's not good. It's very crippled functionally (compared to the ASIO drivers) as It only supports stereo in and out.

Remember to use an insert to "insert" the sound into your WDM or ASIO host application via PatchMix.

Also, doesn't the E-mu come with Cubase? If you need the most of the hardware functionality, use that...
I am using the WDM drivers. So what you are saying is that Midi won't work?

I got regular audio to work but I can't play back any midi.
You need a midi synth (either real or virtual) to play back MIDI stuff in Cakewalk. The soundcard itself doesn't have a built in synthesizer...
Sklathill said:
You need a midi synth (either real or virtual) to play back MIDI stuff in Cakewalk. The soundcard itself doesn't have a built in synthesizer...

Right, you can go to the "insert" menu on the top of the screen and insert a DXi, the Roland/Edirol VSC (Virtual Sound Canvas), should come with HS2002 right?

When you insert the VSC, make sure to select "insert first audio output track" as well, the VSC will need this to send sound out of your soundcard.

If you go to the help files and go thru the first couple of tutorials, they can explain the details of using a softsynth such as the VSC much better than me, I'm a complete midiot... LOL!
