Homestudio 2K4, EQ and compression plugins?


New member
Are there any non-destructive EQ or compressor plugins for Cakewalk Homestudio 2004? If not, are there any for the Cubase SE which comes with the stock Firepod?
I believe it can to VST plugins because it has the Edirol VST synth...if not I'll be back with more questions!

Looks like and have a bunch of plugins to check out.
...the synth is a VS*C* synth.

CWHS2K4 may not have VST plugins. Searching the help index for VST turns up no document. Is there a way to confirm or disconfirm whether it can deal with VST's?

I downloaded the Nyquist 5 band EQ and have the dll, although when I go to unzip it, it asks what app to use to open the dll. If the app can deal with VST's, how would it "see" the dll for the EQ?