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Seriously? (there was no "sarcasm" emoticon in your post). Tad Donnelly is fun to watch, but not for real info. He sounds like a rambling, incoherent result of too many illicit substances.
Nutbar said:
I’m Tad Donley and I’m speaking in behalf of Expert Village, about the headroom. You only have a certain amount of headroom with ProTools. If you start pushing a little bit too hard, it starts squawking like a chicken, if you go too low it starts squawking, you have to work within a certain realm, otherwise you get zapped either way, so you psychologically start bringing your headroom down lower and you do not realize it but after about 3-4 months, you got it in this place for you in the small certain limited band, you don’t have this big sound, you don’t have this sound, you can’t get the big sound. I try to get a boom out of the bass drum, in one of my albums, my CD, boom, I try to get that big boom, I could not get a big boom, I paid bucks, and could not get the boom, so, you know, and plus it is just did not sound as good and production did not sound that good, it didn’t come up, I cleaned it up on Nuendo four of the songs of my last CD, Warrior right here, four of the songs of the CD. I went ahead, remixed it and re-did it on Nuendo and now it is clear, clean, strong, big, warm, depth and good, yes.

That video gave me cancer.
These videos are super. He goes over all material in the finest detail. Very well done and informative. A must see.
this was worse than watching the jonas brothers on stage with Stevie Wonder at the grammy's - I really felt bad for Stevie (no sarcasm here, honestly I sort of died inside)
this was worse than watching the jonas brothers on stage with Stevie Wonder at the grammy's - I really felt bad for Stevie (no sarcasm here, honestly I sort of died inside)

I wonder if anyone told him ahead of time they were going to be the Jonas brothers? Maybe they were muted during sound check.
How the heck did Tad score the gig with "Expert (NOT!) Village"??? Who was responsible for screening this guy???

(He did make me chuckle a few times.)
His little head-bob-talking-out-of-the-corner-of-his-mouth bit kinda reminded me of Egg Shen in Big Trouble in Little China...

Big Trouble in Little China: The Medicine

It's almost like Egg and Sammy Hagar had a baby, and that baby spat out weird, doped up stories about remixing their album to "get the boom" (that's for you, Glen). :D
Wow, that is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time! Thanks for that :p

Edit: As a sidenote...this guy's delivery reminds me of ol' G Dubs. :D
Oh man... I remember seeing some of these "expertvillage" videos when I first started getting serious about mixing (back when I couldn't get the BOOM! I wanted.) Even back then, I knew these were pointing me in the wrong direction.

Unfortunately there are a lot of horrible mixing videos out there. Especially the one on YouTube with the guy who kept repeating "Your ear...it's a muscle. It gets tired just like any other muscle: your arms, legs. It's a muscle too." ..come to think of it, I'm pretty sure that's an expervillage video too :rolleyes:

Well, back to work. Oh and if you hear a few chickens squawking in the mixing room, that's just me setting my protools headroom. Can't have it too high ...or too low! (what?)
Looks like people on expertvillage found it funny when they looked for his band's myspace, but I'm surprised no-one has ever ventured onto the website for his studio...

"Where digital becomes analog"

In case anyone happens to be interested in having a chat, his telephone number is at the bottom of the "mastering" page.

Unfortunately the blurb about his studio is just as incoherent as his speech in the videos.

On the topic of the video posted at the start of this thread...
http://www.prosoundandvideo.com/ said:
No noise or outboard equipment. The software we chose has an analog warmth unlike Pro Tools, which has a slight dark, digital sound. We don't have to spend $5000 on compression to warm up our software.


I can push the knobs and it gives without
digital noise to an extent. Thus, the headroom is completely used with the help of
compression and limiting. You've achieved that big sound you've always wanted!!

He also seems to like his Genelecs...

http://www.prosoundandvideo.com/ said:
Genelec 1031A are the big monitors (there are several sizes). They
cost $2000 each. The recording studios have Advent speakers that give
you more midrange than you thought when you got in the car.


We can tweak and re-eq and it will remain how it sounds when you leave
the studio. JBL's with the new big bass speaker creates too much bass
than what you normally hear on a song, so you have to just keep the
bass up just to match the lower bass you will hear in the end.
See how that works? They are not bad sounding - any of these
speakers but they are just not as precise as these.

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Does anyone know where the BOOM is? I think he must have accidentally found the SHROOM! Am I right?? Am I right?? AM I?!?!