holy smokes yikes somebody help me

can anybody please tell me how to go back to a normal view? i CANNOT figure it out and it's freaking me out lol
You're in "Edit Mode", looking at the mixdown.

You can go to "Window", "Workspace", then click on "Multitrack View".

Or, right under the "Clip" on the top line, there's a "Multitrack" Icon.

Or, press "Shift" + "F11".

Any of those methods will work.
You're in "Edit Mode", looking at the mixdown.

You can go to "Window", "Workspace", then click on "Multitrack View".

Or, right under the "Clip" on the top line, there's a "Multitrack" Icon.

Or, press "Shift" + "F11".

Any of those methods will work.
You could also just type the "9" key on the keyboard or go the the View Menu and select Multitrack View.
okay, i'm sorry i guess i'm not very good at describing my dilemma.

here's a larger picture:


i'm familiar with mixdown/edit views and multitrack views... my situation is how it's broken up here in the mixdown view, and now anything i open opens like this. the middle of the 3 sections seems to be the entire track and the first and last are the beginnings and ends respectively magnified a little.

it used to just be one view of the whole track, which i like much better, but i can't seem to figure out what i did, much less how to change it back.