Holiday Track feedback


New member
Hey all - I'm involved with a Christmas project called the jingle boys, we do a "record" every year, on the cheap, in our home studios, and give it away as a Christmas present to friends, families, coworkers, etc. we're all pretty decent musicians in our own right, but learning how to do this mixing/production business.

This project is totally for fun, so we're not going to send out to have a pro do it. Although I'm sure we'd be happier w the end result, it's really more in the spirit of the thing to do it home made.

Anyway, I'm interested in some feedback on two of the tracks I'm working on this year, if anyone has the time and inclination to have a listen.

I wonder as I wander:

Angels from the realms of glory:

There's still some work to be done on both, possibly even in the arrangement, rather than the mix, (which, I've noticed is a grey-er area than if this were a situation where someone else was mixing for us) but I'll save my opinions of my own work for later and let you all listen with untainted ears.

Anyway thanks in advance for your opinions and feedback. As you may or may not notice, I think my weakest area as a mix engineer is hearing how to use EQ to separate instruments in a mix.
