hissing during playback


New member
hello all,can anyone give me any advice on how to remove hissing at the start of an audio track which has been created by recording midi to audio on my internal card.
daveymul said:
hello all,can anyone give me any advice on how to remove hissing at the start of an audio track which has been created by recording midi to audio on my internal card.

The short answer is blow up the wav file until you can see where to slice the track. Slice the track. Click on the offending clip with the hiss, thus highlighting it, and only it. Now you can either delete this short clip, or you can go to PROCESS/AUDIO/Insert silence. This should obliterate any noise in the clip without changing it's length, or number of samples. Having done all this, re-highlite both clips in the track and glue them back together. Of course, this just fixes the problem and doesn't address why you have hiss in the first place.