Hip hop scratch practice made on MR-8

Very cool :)

I wish it was a little longer, but it sounds good. Nice groove. How did you record it onto the MR-8? Are you mic-ing a speaker or what?

Thanks :)

No. I ran a rca from the line out of my mixer and adapted the rca to one 1/4" and plugged directly into Input A. This recording was not mastered.

Sorry about the length. I will record more soon.
Well you couldn't hear my recording because nowhereradio.com cancelled my account. I only had one song up there so i didn't exceed my allocated space. I guess they didn't like the fact that I didn't produce the beat I was scratching to. Or they really hate hip-hop. Anyway I have my own space online @ bumswithguns.com so I will record more and just link to there. I just like nowhereradio because they streamed my audio.

too bad.
Why didn't you email me with the problem? I would have gladly rectified it. Please send your reply to my email address. I don't want to bog this board down with my issues.
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You ignored the big red bold message at the top of your info page, and entered false information!

Gee, do you really think I'm going to accept 555-1212 as a real phone number? Not to mention no address?

Feel free to e-mail me your correct information in a digitally signed message, and your account will be re-instated.

Oh. Okay. Well i'm sorry if I don't feel your website NEEDS my phone number and address. You must agree that that information is a rather personal thing to ask and actually expect a valid response. Especially from a site that just hosts music. But I did not comply with your terms so the cancellation was valid I admit.
If you read the agreement, you would understand why. The information is kept entirely private and confidential, and is only used to prove you have the legal right to post the music. It at NO time is used for spam, or junk-mail of any sort. You can ask any long time member here.

This is done to protect yourself, and me, from copyright infringements. The same type of infringements that cost people BILLIONS of dollars a year...

TheRealWaldo said:
Feel free to e-mail me your correct information in a digitally signed message, and your account will be re-instated.

No thank you. Just cancel my account with nowhereradio please.

If you need to talk to me again please email me.
If you need to talk to me again please email me.

Nope, if you don't trust me enough to tell me the truth as to who you are, then I don't trust you not to break the law and put me at legal risk.

I don't understand your reply. I don't really care what you have to say anymore actually. I just want my account with nowhereradio cancelled. BUT PLEASE KNOW that I asked you to email me because I don't think the people on this message board want to read all this garbage. Arguing on message boards is annoying to both the owners and the readers of said board. Please stop posting on this subject. It's just ignorant. If you want to reach me further you can email me at: tom@bumswithguns.com.
turntablist said:
I don't understand your reply. I don't really care what you have to say anymore actually. I just want my account with nowhereradio cancelled. BUT PLEASE KNOW that I asked you to email me because I don't think the people on this message board want to read all this garbage. Arguing on message boards is annoying to both the owners and the readers of said board. Please stop posting on this subject. It's just ignorant. If you want to reach me further you can email me at: tom@bumswithguns.com.

I agree with turntablist,

This sounds like a matter between him and nowheremusic.com.

Waldo, It is completely out of line and unprofessional for you to take this discussion to the board.

I DID e-mail him, and the message bounced. As with the rest of his false information, such as phone number, how ELSE do I get ahold of him?

I would ALSO like to point out that I gave HIM the first opportunity to e-mail me. He's constructively gone back and edited his post of course to change that!

TheRealWaldo said:
I DID e-mail him, and the message bounced. As with the rest of his false information, such as phone number, how ELSE do I get ahold of him?


You do have have a point. I am sorry for getting involved with out knowing the whole story.
