Himlariket, trying out reverbing and drowned mix


New member

As the title states; I'm trying to make a sort of reverby mix with this piece


I listend to Sigür Ros for reference.

I used only Scarlett 2i2 and a pre-amp VTB1 V Series by StudioProjects

Guitars and bass went through amplitube

Reverb and delay I use is Fabfilters Timeless Delay and Valhalla Vintage Reverb. Mix through Fabfilters pro q and pro C
Nice. The only Sigur Ros I know is (). I don't think this sounds much like that, but I can sort of see the influence.
I like the pickup around 1:45. That's a cool transition.

The big thing that sticks out mix wise is that the left channel seems to have more definition than the right. I think it mostly comes from the delayed guitar. It leans left, and is much more defined than the instruments that lean right.
Like the atmosphere-the drum pattern is kind of strange-took me a bit to get used to the off rhythm. Very nice vocals-I would have started them faster-as the chord progression is already so familiar (breathe?) it doesn't seem to need that much time to establish. Maybe it's my dwindling attention span. Really like the vocals-well performed and the sound fits the song-very expressive singing. First time i heard sigur ros i called the radio station immediately to find out who it was. Like the song and the style.