High Tenor needs mic


New member
Hey guys, I'm looking for a nice smooth mic to compliment a high (sometimes harsh) lead singer and a high tenor singing nothing but southern gospel music. At the moment, I have a tlm-103 (not the best for a harsh voice) and a 4033 (not bad, but want better, bigger, more open sounding) these will be paired with an A-Designs mp-2 and a Hardy m-1. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
i would definitely try a SDC...and don't be too hesitant to break out that sm57 you have laying around and try it. It definitely isn't a bad idea!!!

AGCurry said:
Beyerdynamic M500
Shure 330
Sennheiser MD441
Sennheiser MD421
Beyerdynamic M88

I would point out that AGCurry's first three recommendations are all ribbons. I think that pretty much sums it up for me as well.

Depending on your budget, you might investigate some of the less expensive ribbons. My voice pretty well fits your high tenor description, and I'm fond of the Nady RSM-2 (and presumably the identical models from any of half a dozen other manufacturers).

Maybe a Shinybox 23 or something....