High end preamps, are they worth it?

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Well of course everything matters, but the question wasnt about everything. Why was the question asked then?

It's like asking is exercise good for you, and somebody saying well, if you eat junk food then it doesnt matter. first of all, that wouldnt be true, exercise alone is better than not, but most people are knowledgeable enough to know that if they smoke and eat junk, that exercise wont help that much, but that doesnt mean that exercise is not good.

I dont think when somebody asks about a preamp that they are asking if it will make them a great recording engineer, they are asking if the piece is good or not.

There ARE cut and dry answers, sometimes a simple yes works just fine, or a simple no, becomes a broken record reading the same responses, preamps have been mention often, always the same song and dance. ANSWER THE QUESTION ASKED

Why was 'what question' asked? Man, you talk in circles.

Your analogy is also flawed because you didn't ask 'what healthy food will make me skinny'? The obvious answer is none. There are many reasons for this not to work, and none of them are the only direct answer. This is the type of question/answer you are asking/arguing here every time. It just does not work that way.

Open your ears and mind and start taking time to listen to all of the helpful/knowledgeable members here. Quit arguing for the sake of whatever the hell you are arguing about.

Check yourself and realize you are the only one here not getting it... Should tell you something is wrong...
Well of course everything matters, but the question wasn't about everything. Why was the question asked then?

You rather missed my point about the greater whole.
Someone on a forum asks a question to which there is only a yes or no. Yes a high end pre~amp is worth it. No a high end pre~amp isn't worth it. According to your logic, thus endeth the topic.
But that's not how human conversation works. A straightforward question often contains within it many nuances that just ain't satisfied by simple yes and no replies. Even your example of "Is excercise good for you" doesn't rate a simple yes or no. It might be good for you. But there are scenarios where it won't be. I know people say they want simple answers.
The universe isn't simple.

You ask why the question was asked. I'll tell you precisely why ¬> somebody wants to hear two sides of an argument. Because just saying yea or nay goes nowhere. Tell us why it's yea or nay. When you hear various sides of a point being debated, you're in a position to reach some kind of balanced conclusion.
Why was 'what question' asked? Man, you talk in circles.

Your analogy is also flawed because you didn't ask 'what healthy food will make me skinny'? The obvious answer is none. There are many reasons for this not to work, and none of them are the only direct answer. This is the type of question/answer you are asking/arguing here every time. It just does not work that way.

Open your ears and mind and start taking time to listen to all of the helpful/knowledgeable members here. Quit arguing for the sake of whatever the hell you are arguing about.

Check yourself and realize you are the only one here not getting it... Should tell you something is wrong...

This thread, why was it started, why would you ask the question? The answer is everything must be be top shelf to do A DEMO, that's a translation.

Telling me that a preamp will do me no good if I dont have everything working together is not true, everybody needs a preamp, you cannot record without one. Secondly, I write songs, so when people tell me if your mic isnt good or your songs are not good, then a preamp wont matter. These people dont realize that THEY are not very good, songs, performance, the whole nine, but that doesnt stop them from buying gear...I thought they needed everything working together? THEY DONT HAVE THAT
There ARE cut and dry answers, sometimes a simple yes works just fine, or a simple no, becomes a broken record reading the same responses, preamps have been mention often, always the same song and dance. ANSWER THE QUESTION ASKED

There were quite a few good answers....some basically said yes they are worth it, and some said no they are not worth it.
So.....what kind of golden info does that give you if that's all you wanted?


You have to take those answers and add details and conditions and a few other subjective perspectives that will differ from person to person, and then apply it to your own situation and come up with the one answer that suits it.
Your problem is that you are not able to glean anything from any of the answers given. It's the classic, "I can't see the forest for the trees."

There's been plenty of good info given to you....both in this thread and the other one you started about low budget pres....and in every other thread you've asked questions. You just don't know what to do with the information, and that's a comprehension & application problem on your end, which is why you are coming off frustrated and acting like a total dick to almost everyone that's provided you with good feedback.
Stuff ain't working for you....so you're lashing out at everyone.

The best thing everyone here can do from this point forward....is not give any more answers to anything you ask.
Deal with it on your own since you don't like anyone's answers here.
This thread, why was it started, why would you ask the question? The answer is everything must be be top shelf to do A DEMO, that's a translation.

Telling me that a preamp will do me no good if I dont have everything working together is not true, everybody needs a preamp, you cannot record without one. Secondly, I write songs, so when people tell me if your mic isnt good or your songs are not good, then a preamp wont matter. These people dont realize that THEY are not very good, songs, performance, the whole nine, but that doesnt stop them from buying gear...I thought they needed everything working together? THEY DONT HAVE THAT

Ok, there is nothing I can do to control how you miscomprehended any of the posts here , but if there were....

I honestly need to ask 'Can you actually read and understand the English language'? Because you keep rewording and inappropriately massaging anything you have ever said or asked.

I am seriously done with this guy.

Not the norm on this site, but let's start a poll as to who wishes this to go away? Or do we enjoy the train wreck and put it in the cave?
What a coward. needs other people to back him up, and talks like he is some kind of tough guy over the net.

I got four pms from people saying theyd like you to go away, hey did you ever try out for the lion in Wizard of OZ?

You should respect people who are clearly better than you are.
What a coward. needs other people to back him up, and talks like he is some kind of tough guy over the net.

I got four pms from people saying theyd like you to go away, hey did you ever try out for the lion in Wizard of OZ?

You should respect people who are clearly better than you are.

Who are you talking to?
What a coward. needs other people to back him up, and talks like he is some kind of tough guy over the net.

I got four pms from people saying theyd like you to go away, hey did you ever try out for the lion in Wizard of OZ?

You should respect people who are clearly better than you are.

Um yeah, who are you talking to here?
Not locked yet? OK - here's my 2 cents. If you're starting to fixate on an expensive preamp, you can:

1) do the sensible thing and work out all the variables, try semi-scientific tests in a pseudo-lab situation (maybe at guitar center?) - use your brain, ears, and acquired experience to make the right choice,
2) keep using what you have and focus on other elements in the chain, making things as good as they can be (which is probably plenty good enough)
3) buy a preamp that's better (i.e., more expensive) than what you have, but not as nice (i.e., expensive) as the one you're fixated on, then continue to fret about not having the nicer one, and eventually buy it anyway, or
4) just go buy the one you're fixated on, even though you have no idea whether/how it will benefit your recordings.

Let's face it - nobody does #1, even though we all know we should. Some of us do #2 - those are the happy people, and those of us like me who do #3 should have just done #4.

I've got some pretty nice preamps these days - didn't start out that way. My knowledge of how to use them and what their benefits are (including non-sound things like durability, longevity, and vendor support) is definitely coming late in the game, but all in all I'm glad I got 'em - I bought most of them used, and so I can probably sell them without too much (if any) of a hit if need be.
The real question is: Is it worth it to YOU?

Car companies used to make versions of their cars with just a few extra cubic inches, a few more horsepower or a bunch more chrome.
You had to decide if it was worth the extra money to get that little extra....
The real question is: Is it worth it to YOU?

Car companies used to make versions of their cars with just a few extra cubic inches, a few more horsepower or a bunch more chrome.
You had to decide if it was worth the extra money to get that little extra....

No the real question is how good of a pre do you need to make a decent recording. Nobody here has made better than a decent recording, so they can only answer in this fashion
Since the thread that tried to cover this got derailed big time yesterday I thought I would start another one with some interesting links. I talked to a lot of salesman, read a few articles, and ended up changing my opinion on where to spend my money for my recording chain.

Lets keep it on topic boy's.

Don't get me wrong if I had unlimited resources I would have one of everything, I AM NOT saying anyone who spent over a grand on a pre didn't need to.

No the real question is how good of a pre do you need to make a decent recording.

As you can clearly see, those words were never stated in the original question.
You're confused. Go away.
youd be good at it too, you make the dumbest most irrelevant comments of all
I attempted to give you the benefit of doubt and read everything you had to write about preamps and then.....you insult Henry and say that Henry is irrelevant?

Henry is relevant.

I am irrelevant.

If you want to insult someone......insult me, douchebag.

Uh oh! Jimmy wanted me to stay out out of this, I tried.
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