High End Buzz on Tube Amp Recording


New member
Hello All,
In need of some help here. Recording some electric guitar here and I'm getting a weird high end buzz from my amp. It's hardly noticeable when playing my guitar in practice or at show, but when recording, it is extremely noticeable. I've attached a file so you can hear what I'm talking about. I'm playing the Gibson B.B. King Lucille through a '65 Fender Super Reverb Reissue. The amp volume is at about a 3.8. I've recorded through other tube amps in the past and haven't had any issues. Also, I just recently replaced the tubes in my Super Reverb. They were about a year and a half old and I thought the buzz was coming from the old tubes. However, after changing them, the buzz is still just as present.

The recording is broken into three parts. The first part has my SM57 pointed straight at the speaker, slightly off center from the cone. The second part has the SM57 about a foot and half from the grille, pointed directly at the center of the amp, in between the 4 speakers. The last part has the same mic configuration but I have my Luther Drive Pedal turned on.

If you have any advice as to what the cause is, how I can fix it, or if you've heard anything similar, be sure to let me know. Thanks!



  • Guitar Test.mp3
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I don't hear anything that wrong with the recording. But I'm not listening with headphones right now. If you're getting a high end buzz you could just noise gate or EQ it out. Look up noise-reduction tutorials for your DAW.
I can hear the buzz, particularly on the first passage. Sounds mechanical, like a torn speaker, but much more subtle.
I thought the buzz was more noticeable on the second passage.

My guess would be a capacitor is going bad on you.
Thanks for the responses thus far. I think it's clear that this is not the normal sound of a tube amp breaking up. I think I'm going to take it to an amp tech and see if they have any recommendations.

Personally, I think that it's most noticeable in the first passage with the mic pointed close to the cone and me playing full/fat chords. In the second one, with the mic further from the cone, it's a little less noticeable. In the third passage, since I'm only playing single strings at a time, it's not enough to push it to the buzzing point.

Any other thoughts on the cause of the problem other than a faulty capacitor? Thanks again!
I can most definitely hear the buzz. Specially with the chord playing. If you pay close attention, the chords that you let ring for a while will lose the buzz after a few seconds while still mantaining good volume. I would test the same setup with another guitar and troubleshoot from there. I know some guitars use a capacitor on the tone pot to filter high frequencies. I would test the SM57 too. Most amp issues are tube-related, but your amp was retubed recently. Normally, I would test V1 tube as well as the phase inverter tube, but your amp has a rectifier tube, I have never touched an amp of this kind.
i use 2 rack valve pre amps to record with,1 into another .. the 2nd one has unfortunately had the bollocks blown out of it by the last owner ... i have to watch the input signal or it clips like hell giving a very digital nasty sound similar to what your getting,once i get the input right i can crank up the valve gain side of the pre just fine ...

have you tried it on another speaker btw? just in case,to rule it out ...

i woulda said clipping in your audio interface,but you done this before so will know your gear

mmm whats this mean exactly ??

"A more curious thing noticeable on the reissue was occasional “ghost” harmonics that emerged on some notes when the amp was played at very high volumes. This was not detectable on the ’64, which, by the way, was fitted with fresh Sprague filter caps in its power supply."

taken from here GuitarPlayer: '65 Fender Super Reverb Reissue vs. 1964 Fender Super Reverb

that,although sounding very off putting isn't your problem i don't think,yours sounds bollocksed,something is very tired in that chain ... hope you know a good amp repair guy :(