Hi-Z inputs;


New member
I read a blurb:

"If you plan on recording direct guitars into your computer and then using a guitar simulator plugin, it is recommended that you select a soundcard that has at least 1 high impedance input."

Is that all they are good for: using a guitar simulator plugin? If a guitar simulator, why not use the guitar as a general simulator, a sort of midi trigger device?
well, a guitar simulator plugin is generally meant as an amp plugin. In other words, electric guitars liked to be pluged into amps.....and so if you want to use a plugin that simlates an amp, you most likely want to plug it into the high Z input on your soundcard/mixer.
Well, Hi-Z inputs don't seem all that common or popular on cards costing a few hundred dollars. Is the simulator thing the only use for them?
The cards that have Hi-Z inputs effectively have a guitar DI interface built in. It's nothing more, nothing less.

You can of course use your own DIs on non-Hi-Z inputs. So, I don't see what this whole commotion is about.