Hi! Using the Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO as monitors?


New member
I was wondering if these headphones could be used as good monitors? I've tried these headphones (a friend of mine has them) and I really like the sound.
BUT I'm a beginner at choosing these things, so I want to know if they will get me a good enough sound so that I can do some good mixes!
I'm not a pro at all, and this is for my home studio... So I can't afford anything more expensive than this, and I would like some headphones also because they are portable...

Thank you very much for your help in advance!

PS: For all of you that read my threads earlier about wether going with a mac + other gear or a Yamaha AW1600. I bought the Yamaha AW1600 multitrack, and I'm VERY happy with it!
Thank you guys for your help on that one! :)
Zorlee said:
I was wondering if these headphones could be used as good monitors? I've tried these headphones (a friend of mine has them) and I really like the sound.
BUT I'm a beginner at choosing these things, so I want to know if they will get me a good enough sound so that I can do some good mixes!
I'm not a pro at all, and this is for my home studio... So I can't afford anything more expensive than this, and I would like some headphones also because they are portable...
Your mixes will always be lacking 'that something' while just using phones.
Please...at the very least, go have a look at cheapo (but effective) Behringer 2031 series of monitors, or something else that you may be able to afford other than relying on headphones. (Again)....Your mixes will always be lacking 'that something' while just using phones. Headphones come in handy when trying to find particular 'issues' within a mix, and only can give you a 'partial' perspective of what's going on. Trust me....I'm a Cancerian. lol. :)
Thank you for your reply!
Well, i kind of expected this information. But these headphones are really good though... But not as good as monitor speakers then?
I talked to a tech the other day, and he said that if I got some good phones, like the beyerdynamics, I would do just fine...
I'm very confused right now :o
Please, keep sharing your experiences! I need to learn more about this, before I buy anything!
Zorlee said:
Thank you for your reply!
Well, i kind of expected this information. But these headphones are really good though... But not as good as monitor speakers then?
I talked to a tech the other day, and he said that if I got some good phones, like the beyerdynamics, I would do just fine...
I'm very confused right now :o
Please, keep sharing your experiences! I need to learn more about this, before I buy anything!

oh dear.......mmm...acoustic distances and perceptions are an extremely complex entity to try and explain to you (you being very new, by the sounds of it? and me being very impatient)...cool!...welcome!...
As you'll find out from the following replies, you're going to find that any quality headphone is only good for one aspect of recording and not another.
If you wait, they will come!! (technical responses that is!)
Superspit. (just another 'tech') :)
The question is... was this "tech" trying to sell you something?

I have the DT-770s. Being a closed headphone, the response is not as flat as if you were to get the ported DT-990s. However the 990's are less useful for vocal tracking (due to spill) and are more annoying to those around you when your listening on them! :D

That said, neither set of cans is going to give you a good sounding mix. It simply won't translate properly onto other systems. I love the 770s alot (and so comfy!), but you really do need monitors for mixing.

- Xander