Hi to everyone


New member
I thought this would be the most appropriate sub forum to post a general hello and introduction (as i couldn't spot a forum/thread for that purpose), so hi :thumbs up: I make my living as freelance mix engineer most of the time, sometimes as a musician (i used to release electronic music as boc scadet) - all round general muso really. I'm looking forward to hanging out here :)
I thought this would be the most appropriate sub forum to post a general hello and introduction (as i couldn't spot a forum/thread for that purpose), so hi :thumbs up: I make my living as freelance mix engineer most of the time, sometimes as a musician (i used to release electronic music as boc scadet) - all round general muso really. I'm looking forward to hanging out here :)

You mean like THIS ONE? :spank:
ooh, whoops! it was the 'newbie' thing that threw me - i thought it meant newbies to recording/mixing etc. i guess i deserve the spanking!
Huh. Yeah I guess I never noiticed that. Why would you look in 'NewBees' less'n you figured you was one! :rolleyes: :drunk: