Hi...new here

Ipso Facto

New member
Been reading alot here lately and decided I'd join. I'm looking forward to learning alot and yes I will read through what's already been posted before bugging. :) Blue Bear and Massive Master your studios are ffing impressive.

Here's a modest pic of what I have:



Yamaha ProMix 01 mixer
Alesis passive M1 monitors
Layla 20 sound card (8 in 10 out)
Kawai K1 controller
Korg O5R/W Midi Brain


Sonar 3
Drum kit from Hell Superior
Soundforge 6.0
Reason 2.0

All the recording I do is direct for $$$ reasons. If anyone sees anything I'm missing feel free to enlighten me. As of now I'm thinking of an external HD recorder. Anyways good to be here. :)
:D Yo Ipso deFacto: [If you're an attorney, you'll get a bunch of cases here.]

:D :p :D

Welcome. This is a great site to learn and learn and learn.

You might trade off those Alesis monitors [I had a pair of those too] for a pair of the KRK passives ST8 [they have an 8 inch woofer] About the same dollars for the KRKs--or, you can scope out the active monitors too.

Your studio set-up looks neat and clean--like a CPA's office. Not a paperclip out of place.

Merry Christmas
Green Hornet :D
:D :D :D That was the woman...really!

Monitors you say? If I'm powering the mixer and monitors with a decent amp (Which I'm not but if I was :) ) does that mean it wouldn't be necessary to get actives? Right now I have a crappy kareoke amp powering everything (*blush*). Is it safe to say that that's detrimental to what I'm hearing? What is a good mid to high range quality amp for powering a mixer?
It might affect the sound, but really what we need to know is this: Who cleans the Studio? It's the woman isn't it!!! Dude say it's the woman, or I'm gonna feel like such a slacker. I'm gonna go tidy while I wait for a reply.
Nope not the woman. She won't touch the studio. Kind of like asking a chick to clean your Harley isn't it? Get's you slapped. :) The pic is from when I got the table made. Imagine it with papers, cans, and dinner plates strewn over it and you'll be close. ;)