Hi, I'm Jacob Anthony, please allow me to introduce myself!


New member
Hi guys, my name's Jacob Anthony. I just wanted to introduce myself to this great forum. I'm working at the moment but I sing part time with a show choir. However I want to strike out on my own as a Baritone, as well as performing with the choir. I recognise that this means I need to learn how record myself properly (not just with a mobile phone!). So that's why I'm here!

My first questions are:

Is there any sort of Home recording for dummies guide I can read up on (don't want to be constantly asking daft questions).

Are there any backing tracks websites or suppliers that you'd recommend?

Thanks for taking the time to read this,

Jacob Anthony
welcome to the forum!! The google search bar on the bottom, is your best place to search for questions that were already asked...
Hello Jacob Anthony ..... I'm Henry Moreau, glad to make your acquaintance.
Start out by looking at THIS sticky thread. Plus the numerous other stickys at the top of every forum. Most all questions have been answered within these. ;)
Thankyou so much guys for your warm welcome. I'll make sure I read up on those stickies over the next few days. I've a feeling that I have a lot of reading to do!!
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