HHH or HSH or HSS? Which makes best metal tone?

You may get better results posting this in the Guitar section ;)

Typically Humbuckers are more geared towards straight out metal, where as single coils typically lend themselves to bluesy/cleaner sounds.

My personal favorite is H/S/S - (Seymour Duncan PA-TB2b in the Bridge! Great metal tone!! :) )

But I tend to play a lot of bluesy/clean stuff as well......that's where the singles come in handy.

there are a lot of other factors invlolved with "Guitar Tone" as well. Such as: Body wood, neck wood, fretboard wood, Bridge type (Fixed or floating), nut material/type, fret wire, pots/wiring, paint/finish, pickups, cords/cables, effects, and amp.

Some of these are major, and some are very minor, but they all have an effect on the overall sound and tone of an electric guitar...............Are you confused yet? :)



Now I get it...like Werner1, HSS is my preferred. However, you'll also see a lot of HH for metal. Some even use just an H.
Well, a bridge humbucker is probably the only real necessity for metal. I prefer a neck humbucker as well for smooth lead sounds.....so I say "HH".....no need for the middle pickup. ;) Not for metal anyways..
Yeah, H/H works well for all out metal......

Here are my "Metal" axes from back in the day (80's metal :D --- you know, the real stuff! ;) )

These pics were taken about 3 months ago...

This is my 1994 Custom shop Jackson soloist w/ SH-6 or a "Distortion Trembucker" in the bridge:


And this is my 1984 Kramer Striker 300st w/ PA-TB2b (Parallelaxis Trembucker - Distortion model ) in the Bridge. I just recently re-did this whole guitar :) :
WERNER 1 said:
Here are my "Metal" axes from back in the day (80's metal :D --- you know, the real stuff! ;)

Sorry, but neither of those is "pointy" enough to be a true 80's metal axe.
WERNER 1 said:
And this is my 1984 Kramer Striker 300st w/ PA-TB2b (Parallelaxis Trembucker - Distortion model ) in the Bridge. I just recently re-did this whole guitar :) :

what are the singles on it seem like mini humbuckers, but at the same time dont, i think that is one classy ax haha

oh yeah i was thinking about maybe getting a Fender Strat and havin a HSS arrangement on it from the EMG line as an 81/and two of their singles

that would be good tone right? haha pretty much anything by emg is
Sorry, I never was into the "Pointy" thing all that much :) .....all though I did have an Ibanez Destroyer for a short while ----- I had to do the DefLeppard thing! :D

Kramer - Yeah, she's a beauty! Those singles are Seymour Duncan "Duck Buckers"-- Basically a true single coil sound without the noise. Very nice.

Funny thing about the Kramer is that with all of the "Nice" guitars I've gathered up over the years, I still reach for the plywood body Kramer on a daily basis. :o :)

Pickups - If you really wanted to go over the edge, check out the Seymour Duncan "Live Wire" pickups! They've got sound clips of all of their pickups on their web site: http://www.seymourduncan.com/website/SDToneWizard/hummer.htm

thanks, i just also wanted to ask my guitar doesn't have a finish its just stained red over the wood, i heard that active pickups will make alot of hiss, and was recommended for EMG HZs any truth to this, and would these pickups be good?
nkjanssen said:
Sorry, but neither of those is "pointy" enough to be a true 80's metal axe.

That made me laugh.

Don't forget the fluorescent colors either...and the colored coils!
