Hey mods

Seeker of Rock

Let’s Go Brandon!
So I’ve been away for a minute but came back to check and see how things are here. I’ve kept my language curbed and when compelled to use the F word have used “fookin”, but are there still no-no words and are they still *****out if I do? Love socializing here but want to be sure I’m not kissing anyone off. I know you guys have a job to do and respect that. Any topics taboo? Politics are obviously still free reign opinion 👍 Any prohibition about derogatory comments or posts about exes that carry some colorful adjectives that have no idea about this site and never will? Just wondering where the lines are so I don’t cross them and get a smack on the wrist and don’t see the sticky of forum decorum that I think was her last time I visited 🙂
And using common sense I think I can gauge what WOULD be inappropriate (hate/racism/etc.) but just checking beyond that what I can post about and discuss
Gekko Zed I remember you as a mod last time I was around and you’re still here. Don’t think I saw your posts outside of OT PT. You play? Write? Mix? Share if you have time.
I think you can pretty much say any words you might use in day to day life, or even if you don't commonly used those words that often you can exorcise those demons here. Mostly it's common sense, I think. Personal attacks should be self...moderated...kept under control. And you can't say "you mother is a c_nt". Family is off limits. It's mostly just common sense, and to give the mods a break from having to involve themselves in things we should/could regulate ourselves.

Oh yeah, and I think there's also a rule of no speak about pointy odd number stringed geetars. Good rule, that one.
We used to have a member who used to post in the middle of the night, multiple times. I'm just wondering why you don't just read the forum posts and work it out? It's pretty obvious by the lack of certain styles of posts what people don't like, and our style is always to cause the mods as little work as possible - I can't imagine why you need to know rules for how close to the edge you can go? Like asking a cop what the 'real' speed limit is so you can speed, but not get ticketed?

Usually here, if people ask questions or post in any style that pushes the envelope, people just don't answer. You end up as a conversation killer. Our member who used to post rubbish and rant during the night didn't get any hate stuff, just silence. We all got to understand it - but lots of members just didn't help him when he was up and running. When he was nice, they did. Why not just post things you'd be happy for your kids to read if you left the computer running?
Now if you start dressing like Willy Wonka and post selfies..........

Eh, don’t think that will go over well.
I'm just wondering why you don't just read the forum posts and work it out? It's pretty obvious by the lack of certain styles of posts what people don't like
I don't think it's that obvious at all. Prime Time being a marvellous example. There are mixed messages to someone new or someone returning after a lengthy hiatus.
Some recent threads have seen verbal action that place the limits in "cave" territory ~ something that we are supposed to have abandoned.
Now if you start dressing like Willy Wonka and post selfies..........

Eh, don’t think that will go over well.
Yeah I can understand that. I also model. I just did a great commercial for Bud Light aI may have to post for you boyz
Did you just call my mother a c_nt? How dare you 😡

Are you joking? Or do you really think referred to you mother in that way?

Reading his post it was clear that saying something like that wasn’t acceptable.

He just made an example of something NOT to say.