Hey Jealousy

That was certainly a good song and you are a good singer and the players are very accomplished. I question the logistics of placing a boombox in a suitcase in the middle of the room to record it, but that's just me. Maybe that's what the 90s were all about. I don't know, I've just arrived on your planet.

Hope I didn't hurt your feelings. On Xeries, we don't have them. I enjoyed your music and would like to hear it live.:D
Killer vocals....recording seems a bit poor...distorted and a little fuuzy on the headphones Im using now...always liked this song and I think you pull it off well!
I don't know.

I mean, you guys can obviously play the song, but the original shows more emotion. He feels what he's singing.

Just my two cents (worth about 1.8 cents in Canada).