Hey friends check out this, a great site to upload your music

IUMA is one of the reasons I started to create NWR in the first place. It's a flea infested RAT HOLE that is dead and dying. Bought out by european majors to help them get more of an audience in the west!

I will not visit, nor listen to anyones music on that site as I wish not to contribute to their scam.


I am sorry but your english its to much dificult to me. I am from argentina. Can you tell me other way wath is the problem with IUMA??

Thanks my friend.

I know Nicolas ;)

I own NoWhere Radio, and we've spoken via. e-mail before.

My Spanish is probably just as bad, but here:

IUMA es muerto y muriendo, si usted sabia bastante ingles podria apenas senalarle a sus foros y usted podria leer para arriba. Que sucedio basicamente es el tiene cosas rota, y ha estado quebrado por dos anos. El tambien fue comprada hacia fuera por las corporaciones europeas que se ocupan de la musica principal industria (no muy independiente, hey?) El ha estado rasgando a artistas apagado por anos, no pagando las deudas prometidas, licenciando musica...

Permanezco ausente tan lejano como puedo.

Waldo, what NWR is? I dont know. Its a kinda project? I´m Really sorry but I dont know. Do you think that my music is in danger in IUMA? Tell me and I remove my songs urgently. You speak spanish very well.
NWR esta parado para NoWhereRadio. Soy el dueno y el creador de NoWhereRadio.

El unico riesgo en IUMA ahora es que su musica sera distribuida via. Napster. No ponga tan cualquier cosa para arriba alli que usted no quisiera que los millares de gente descargaran.

No lastima para tener su musica en varios lugares. Pero sea justo tenga cuidado con ellos, yo no han tenido nada pero apuro con ellos.

waldo if you write in english i could understand you tell me but you must use an tipical british language. I mean very easy english? I hope you understand me.
I wont to talk with you for ICQ this is my number 41043288

Mi habla bueno espagnol amigo...

IUMA bad! bad!
Nowhere Radio Good! good!
Comprende pas sil vous plait?
n'est pas?
Jose can you tell me why you think that IUMA is bad?
Tell me reazon cause I am afraid that my music is in danger!!
Please. If to guys tell me that iuma its a big shit i remove my music urgently.
Please tell me.

Thanks. If you wont my icq is 41043288

Your music is not in danger.
There may come a time when it will be exploited by Napster like entities but, not in danger as far as "real world" distrubution is concerned.
One thing about IUMA is that the community has become run down.
Artists review artists for play for play...critique for critique...nod for nod..etc. etc.
It is a good site to have though in my opinion....
It does not always work but, I use it for file transfers and deep linking more than anything else....
When I refer someone to my music at NoWhere...I give them my main page URL so that they may experience NoWhere......because the site deserves the attention...IUMA does not in my opinion...
Amigo...it is all up to you....OK?
Joe(aka Jose:D )
Ok. joro and waldo Thanks a lot!

I was looking for a place to put my mp3 and my picture cause I dont have my own site. This is the most important to me cause this way I can show my music.

Thanks guys. Hey help me with my artistic name!!!

I post a new thread with the subject MY ARTISTIC NAME there is my picture.