Hero Of The Day (old)


New member
Recorded and mixed this a few months ago.


Gear used in production:

Tascam DP-01
Peavy 4 channel Mixer
3 shure SM 57 mics
1 beta 52 mic
Jackson Guitars
Ariana Guitars
Crate Amps
Fender Amps
PDP FS Birch Drums
Sabian B8 / B8 Pro Cymbals
Remo Pinstripe Batter Heads
Adobe Audition
Oktava MK something (came free with tascam :cool: )
Thank you for that.
Played them as well as recorded them.

Beta-52 Bass Drum
SM 57 - Snare , L/R Overheads
did anyone else noticed the phase issues with guitard in the middle of the song? about 2:17

I dont notice anything.
If this helps, I have two guitars panned right and left and a center track that is only accenting. I didnt notice anything though :confused:
Ya the biggest thing with drums is tuning and head selection.
A well tuned Poplar export can sound very close to a well tuned Maple masters, so close that the untrained ear cannot notice and in most cases even a trained ear. Infact I tested this by posting clips of some exports recorded by a professional engineer and most guesses were infact high end kits.