Heritage 575

Thats a nice inlay bud.

All these companies could make so much more money if they would just get a half ass decent website........ :o
I believe that base price for the 575 is around $1600. Put in the ebony fingerboard with custom inlays, upgraded HRW pickups, and gold hardware, it was around $2000. Still much cheaper than an ES-175.

You had to replace the fingerboard?:confused:

Is that normal?

I thought you can just glue (special glue) the MOP onto the existing fingerboard....?

Doesn't having the fingerboard replaced mean it had to be refretted?

Who did that? Them? Doesn't that take away from the way Heritage built it?
Actually Heritage did everything. This is the way I ordered it from Heritage. They use the custom inlay company. I didn't buy stock and modified it. I had it custom made. So I upgraded the fingerboard, electronics, etc.. That's the good thing about heritage. They are willing to work with their customer without charging an arm and a leg for everything.