heres one....


New member
Whats the best way to track a drum machine. Which sounds should be grouped together, or should the whole kit be grouped for a more realistic sound. The drum machine is an Alesis D4, it has 4 outputs, 2main, 2 aux. I have tried to isolate the kick and snare, all the hi hats and cymbals and percs, and last toms and skin type percussions. Thing is although this is great for eq'ing each type of sound , the kits doesnt PAN like a real set.
If you can't pan each drum and adjust it's volume independently, I'd probably leave them grouped together as a 2-track.

If you have lots of tracks to play with you could sync the drum machine to your computer recording app, and output each drum separately on it's own track (4 at a time). Then you'd have your whole set to mix, pan, eq, compress on it's own. You'd probably have to make a few passes if you're recording 4 tracks at a time, but it would give you the most flexibility.

....just an idea

I thought I would do it like this... Your answer gave me the idea so thank you very much. I can map the kit using cakewalk and control the levels from there, but the eq and all that would have to be done on the tracker.
The main reason I would want to keep some of the elements seperate is so that I could add effects to some parts of the kit without effecting everything. You might want to keep the kick fairly dry, but perhaps EQ the sound a bit, whereas the snare and toms might need some reverb. Etc.

Which is why I went with Kick and snare on the same 2 tracks and cymblas thru toms on 2 tracks, Ill have to deal with this to keep the "drummers persective" but it should work out ok...
I tried the whole kit on 4 tracks with 2 tracks 100% wet reverb and man did it sound killer. depending on how im feeling I might go with that insted.