Here's one of my older tracks


New member
This one had a positive response a couple of years back on Heavily influenced by the Daniel Lanois/U2 atmosphere of Joshua Tree and Achtung Baby. It's weird going back listening to your own track thats a couple of years old. I remember getting tired of this one during final mixdowns. I went back and forth between my main monitors (sometimes headphones), home stereo, and my trusty SAAB stereo at least 30 times before I felt I could not get any better balance (especially bass). Now, listening after a couple of years...I actually enjoy it more. I never, though, ever want to go back and remix this one. Feedback welcomed.

Click here---Silent Whispers by Abery Clark
Sorry but your site requires I download and install Quicktime. Last time I did that it conflicted with something on my computer and everything skipped and was distorted (wav/mp3 etc). Don't feel like restoring my system to correct it for the fourth time :mad:
Hope you can post this somewhere else or allow a download so I can listen..... :)
Cool :cool:
Nice synth backing.
I really like when the piano plays with the low end piano chords too like at 1:26... the piano sounds a bit thin and high without it during the first verse on my system. Maybe some verb/thickening could help that. Awesome build at the end of the song, real dramatic and good.
I thought the few extra piano solo notes at the end didn't really add to the song too much. Just an opinion.
Good rhytms and feel throughout.. Liked this! :cool:
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Thaks to everyone who emailed feedback. I'm working on a new Instrumental and I hope to finish mixing once I get my new Yamaha HS80m monitors. This new track has been a real treat. I hope to have an EP finished/mastered by Fall and have it ready to send out to multimedia/tv/film companies
I'm ordering the Yamaha monitors this week. I have a new track that I'll do final mix when they arrive. I hope to post the new track in a weeks time.