Here's a song for you.


New member
This is a Southern Gospel song that I recorded on the MR-8. I can't believe how much it degraded it converting to mp3, but I guess that is to be expected. It is a song called Out of the Blue. I used a soundtrack and did the lead, tenor, and baritone vocals myself (it's kinda cool to be a one man trio). This is a song that I mixed using my computer speakers and then went back with the monitors I have now and tried to correct some of it, but wasn't too successful (the damage had already been done). Mostly I would like a critique of the mic. I used a Shure Beta 58 dynamic with the mic simulation set at "condenser". Any other advice you could give would be appreciated. I do know that everyone elses songs that I have listened to on nowhereradio sound a lot better than mine so I need some help ya'll.
Very GOOD man, the harms are awesome! The mic? Sounds fine to me, as does the mix. I just don't hear what you're hearing I guess.

I don't know man, it sounds great to me! The vocals are in perfect pitch and the harmonies are impeccable! Not many folks can sing harmony vocals. I agree about the sound degradation in mp3 format! I hope you still have the original file and can do something with it.
Nice job Gospel, I particularly enjoyed the harmonies, really excellent. As far as mic is concerned, it's much easier to get an idea when there is one voice to work with. However, based on what I am hearing, you appear to be doing great with the SM58. You might benefit more if you bought a nice preamp. I have heard from a number of the guys in the mic forum that the preamp makes a big difference to dynamic mics like the SM58. Again, excellent job on the track.
Lovely voice Gospel. Echo the praise for harmonies. And you're going back to where the blues came from....

On the basis that this is newbie corner here, and I don't want the grown ups flaming me for this, but....

We got a condenser for our female vox just a couple of months ago. Huge difference - but it came mostly from the way it allows the singer to sing. Now she doesn't have to work, to push so hard; it allows much more in the way of subtleties and nuances. She sounded good through an SM58, as do you - but the new territory the condenser opened up was fascinating.

I'd also go with morindae's point on the pre (we got a Focusrite as well) but the mic was dramatic - if you could try one in a music shop I'd bet you'd come out smiling.
Garry Sharp said:
Lovely voice Gospel. Echo the praise for harmonies. And you're going back to where the blues came from....

On the basis that this is newbie corner here, and I don't want the grown ups flaming me for this, but....

We got a condenser for our female vox just a couple of months ago. Huge difference - but it came mostly from the way it allows the singer to sing. Now she doesn't have to work, to push so hard; it allows much more in the way of subtleties and nuances. She sounded good through an SM58, as do you - but the new territory the condenser opened up was fascinating.

I'd also go with morindae's point on the pre (we got a Focusrite as well) but the mic was dramatic - if you could try one in a music shop I'd bet you'd come out smiling.

I know exactly where you are coming from. Both condenser and pre-amp are on my list. Right now I have SM58s and Beta 58s (what my group uses for live sound). This song was actually recorded on a Beta 58 which is a little hotter and accentuates the highs better than the SM58. The group didn't want to do this song so I told them I'd do it myself. Now they want to do it. haha.

It is really great to finally hear some more stuff from you! Your vox are just amazing, especially the backgroud vox. I think you have a great sound with the Shure, my guess is that with your voice you can sing into the internal mic on the MR-8 and still sound as good to me. Keep it coming. I look forward to having you sing on another collab project.

clifchamb said:

It is really great to finally hear some more stuff from you! Your vox are just amazing, especially the backgroud vox. I think you have a great sound with the Shure, my guess is that with your voice you can sing into the internal mic on the MR-8 and still sound as good to me. Keep it coming. I look forward to having you sing on another collab project.


My thoughts exactly! I think he'd sound good even if it was a Mickey Mouse, what I'd do for a voice like that!

bdbdbuck said:
My thoughts exactly! I think he'd sound good even if it was a Mickey Mouse, what I'd do for a voice like that!


What voice I have was given to me by the one I sing about. I can't take any credit for it.
Playing guitar is something I learned to do.......singing like you do is a natural gift, just like you said. I thank you for the compliment though.

Being able to learn something is a gift too. Believe me, I've got a Yamaha acoustic right here and have never been able to do more than play a little rhythm.
I believe we all get a little something when we come into this world. It's up to us to develop it. The trick is finding what that something is.
morindae said:
I believe we all get a little something when we come into this world. It's up to us to develop it. The trick is finding what that something is.

I can't agree with you more on this. The problem is a lot of folks are not trying to develop what God gave them or they are using what He gave them in the wrong way.

Bro, it's all been said about the Vox and Harmonies. Excellent! Excellent production! (Those lil red boxes never cease to amaze me.) Excellent message!!! :)


CR ><>