Here's a neat marketing idea that I just came up with.......

Peter Ochello

New member
Thought I'd share this with whoever may be looking for some ways to help pay
for their home studio. If you have the capability of recording and burning to
CD then this may be an easy way to make a little back off of your investment.

Visit your local karaoke club and find out when the next contest is. Offer as a
prize your recording services. Say the winner gets a free CD of themselves doing
the song they won with. Work out something with the club to advertise your services
and be there with some business cards/flyers everytime they have a contest.
The club will generally let you borrow the CD they won with during the off time.
The song is already mixed, minus the vocals, so this is an easy job.
Simply advertise that you will record the other contestants providing they buy/provide the music and a lot of the folks will jump on it. They aren't selling the CD to anyone, it's simply a keep-sake, so I don't see any legal problems. You are only providing the recording service. Just a thought.....worked for me.