Help with Voicemaster Pro and Rode Nt1a


New member
i have a voicemaster pro and a rode nt1a mic and record through a computer, i've recorded about 25 songs and only like 5 came out in the quality i want and the rest were aight but not what im aimin for. so i was wonderin if any one can help me out that has ever had EXP. with these items. Like how to set the amp and mic placement. Also could someone listen to my songs and tell me the different between the good qualitys and the bad and tell me what i did wrong please. the good quality songs are these.

Don't Forget 2 Breath
Siccness Of Hip hop - the first verse and hook
Please Believe - The hook
well it sounds like on "dont forget to breathe" you peaked the master bus out due to the bass end of the spectrum.
The vox sounded a little boxy roll of some mid range in the vinyage harmonics section.
Also dont use the "depth" button its just too much.
I reccomend not engaging the >post compression button as well.
It can bring out waaayy too much sibilance if engauged before compression.
I dont use the compressor on that unit. I think it sounds cheesy.
The tube sound is good though.
ive always got that on.

Hope that helps.
In this thread

I left a diagram for some decent vocal settings on the Voicemaster Pro. You will need to blow it up but it may be useful. I use these settings with the NTK all the time.

I would imagine you will have to tweak the EQ a bit to match your mic but the compressor settiings are good for a mic distance of about 9 inches with a pop filter. Depends on how loud you sing.

I spent a couple of hours running vocals through the unit and tweaking the knobs, along with reading and re-reading the manual to understand the tube sat and EQ options. Let me know how it goes.

Don't bother with the expander or de-esser unless really required. The compressor needs a little more action in the first track. The reverb/delay needs to be a little less too.