Help with Pre amp to Compressor


New member
I have a small studio at home using an Oktava MK 319 mic, Presonus tube pre, fmr RNC compressor , alesis microverb, to fostex MR 8 digital recorder to rcord acoustic guitar and vocal tracks.

The FMR RNC compressor has only unbalanced 1/4 " inputs and outputs. to use with the tube pre do I go from balanced Mic input of Presonus to Unbalanced 1/4 " out into 1/4" unbalanced input of Compressor OR do I come from Balanced XLR output of preamp and use a XLR/ 1/4 " adapter into compressor.....
mjrugg2002 said:
I have a small studio at home using an Oktava MK 319 mic, Presonus tube pre, fmr RNC compressor , alesis microverb, to fostex MR 8 digital recorder to rcord acoustic guitar and vocal tracks.

The previous poster answered you question, but I thought I would chime in about your signal chain. If you really are going into your microverb before your recorder, I would recomend you take it out of the chain. You are really hurting the quality of your signal and there are other much better ways add reverb to your tracks. (like using aux sends in the mix)