Help with importing audio


New member
I am a guitar player with Sonar 4 Producer. I use FruityLoops Studio to make drum tracks when I write my songs. In CW9, I could insert audio fine and it wouldn't change the wav to be the same speed as the tempo, it would just paste it in. How do I do this is Sonar? With Sonar, it slows or speeds up whichever wav I'm trying to import into a track. I want to import my fruityloops wav file that I saved onto 2 seperate tracks making the left and right for 1 and 2, respectively, wothout me having to change the tempo.
You should just be able to do File -> Import. I've never had any problems with that. I believe it will even ask you if you want to import a stereo file to separate left and right tracks. (Not in front of my SONAR now) Maybe you're dealing with different sample rates?? Could that be the problem? I'm using SONAR 3 though, so I can't speak to SONAR 4, but I would imagine it would be the same.
NO,that doesn't work. :( It seems like it should be a simple thing. to turn that off. I made sure all the snap to boxes were deselected, I changed the time bar at the top to display hmsf info instead of measures. Why can't I just import a silly little drum track??? Again, all I want is for Sonar to NOT change the tempo of my wav file to match the tempo the metronome is set on. I tried setting the met to zero, too. Is there anyway I can do this? I know there is, but how? This installation is straight outta the box and I'm using the 16 tracks audio template. HELP!!!!
That's very strange indeed. To the best of my knowledge, there's no way that SONAR can even know how to change imported audio to match a tempo... unless possibly it's a Groove Clip. Is that the case? That's a special kind of audio that has tempo and pitch information stored with it so that you can change its tempo or pitch to fit as you need it in various projects. I'm totally unfamiliar with FruityLoops, so I'm not sure if it is capable of saving something out as a Groove Clip. Take a look though and see if maybe this could be what's happening.
YES!!! Thank you, I read your post about groove clips and decided to export another version of the drum track from FL. There was a check-box that was checked that said 'save ACIDized' so I unchecked it. I guess grooveclips and ACID loop files have that tempo info in there. Everything works as I want it to now. Thanks for your help!!!! :D :D :D :)