Help with busses


New member
I use Cubase LE4 with a Tascam US-2000. I worked with a pro engineer yesterday and he sends all his drums tracks to one bus to control the master drum mix with one slider. Does anyone know how to do that? Thanks!
Not sure about LE but in 5 you add a group track and then route the out of the tracks to the group track. so in the menus..... Project > Add Track > Group Channel.
Ok, first you create a group track,
next you open all the tracks you wanna send 'e' page (you know with the eq fx etc on by one and where it says stereo out, change that to your bus,

do the same with the bus 'e' page only to the stereo outs, :)

Buses are great for working out your mixes I group not just drums but instruments like guitars, basses, vocals/backing, then you can get everything in line, its much easier to mix with busses :P