Help! Problems w/ using 2 soundcards


New member
I'm using Win98 and a Lynx soundcard; everything works fine. However, I just installed the Lexicon Core2 (I want to check out the DBX compression on the Lexicon, plus the Lynx has only 2 outputs). Everything SHOULD be OK (ie, the install is fine, control panel detects the card and the driver by name, there are no IRQ conflicts, the new card has a memory I/O, etc).
With the Lynx card, I can just plug in, and hear through the speakers, without having to go through an application. However, I can't hear anything when I connect my input to the Lexicon and my powered speakers to the Lexicon's output.
And, when I use Cakewalk, I set everything to point to the Lexicon, but no sound.
Even more confusing, when I use CoolEdit SE which came with the Lexicon, I can playback waves and hear them!! Strange...
When I have the Lexicon as the preferred device, I can't hear any of the windows sounds (like booting up and such)... so I think the problem lies somewhere with getting Windows to route audio through the card, but all the settings in Control Panel and Device Manager look fine....
Help! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you very much,