HELP! Problem with my NT3


New member
I just received a new Rode NT3 today and I cannot get it to work! I put the 9V battery in for power, and the light responded indicating that it has power. I have a regular mic cord with a 1/4" end that goes into my 4-track. But I'm not getting any response from the mic. I know that the 4-track and the cord work because they work with the other mic I own.

The only thing I can think of is that maybe this condensor mic needs to use a cord that has an XLR end to it and not one that has a 1/4" plug. But this seems very odd and I'm getting worried that I have a lemon. Does anyone know what my problem is?!

I'd appreciate your help! Thanks...
I know that certain (maybe all?) condenser mics won't work with those XLR to 1/4" cables. If your 4 track doesn't have XLR ins, then you may need to get an XLR to XLR cable and an XLR to 1/4" line converter. If you are physically going to a store to buy the cable and converter, take the mic with you so you can make sure it will work - no sense spending the dough on a cable and adapter if the mic is a lemon.

Or you need a mic preamp. I am betting that your 4 track doesn't have on board pre's, so the mic pre might be necessary.

Hope this helps.
Go with Brad.

I agree with Brad, sounds like your using a high impedance cable on a low impedance mic. Do they have a converter for that?? I'm not sure, I know they do for the other way around, as Brad stated. If you don't have pre's on your 4-track I would most certainly guess that's the problem, but don't most 4-tracks have pre's?? Mine did anyways.

I'd say take Brads advice and take your 4-track and mic to a local music store and find out what the problem is. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to help, especially if they think they will get to sell you a cable and transformer out the deal!!

Thanks for the help guys. I don't think the mic will work with my 4-track, but it does with the digital recorder - which is what was planning to use it with anyway. And I should add that I am very happy with the NT3 now that I have it working!!