help please


New member
i just got a MCU for pro tools le and I cant seem to find what i am supposed to select in my pt le to make it function. I know its in periphials(spelling sucks) and i see hui mode on 4 different tabs. Thanks :eek:
My God, another person who's apostrophe key isn't working!

Maybe there's some technical reason in the manufacture of qwerty keyboards that ensures that the apostrophe key goes first? Weird.

When you've sorted out the problem with your controller, maybe look into getting a new qwerty keyboard, that malfunctioning key is making you look a half-wit.
B_rad said:
I am a half wit. And your a moron. Have a nice day.

Boy, he sure set you guys straight!

And his apostrophe key must still not be working or he would surely have typed the correct 'you're' instead of the incorrect 'your'...

Wow this wins the award for the least helpful thread of all time. This is why I love this forum more than life itself.