Help! Need new equipment suggestions.....

I am looking to replace my current ADAT/Analog system with a PC-based system.

Currently, I have 2 ADAT's, a bulky Tascam M2600 24-channel analog mixer, Alesis RA100 power amp,Tannoy near field monitors, a few outboard effects devices. My software development computer is an 866Mhz, 128MB RAM, 40GB ATA100 Maxtor drive, CD-RW, Soundblaster Live, and a FireWire card. I also own a kiosk touch screen.

Do I.....

1) Sell or trade-in the ADAT's and Tascam Mixer
2) Based on what I've read on this BBS, throw the 3630 compressor in the fireplace?
3) Keep my other outboard effects, such as my Alesis DM5 drum machine. How good are PC-software effects?
4) Need to upgrade my computer system? (maybe add a firewire drive?)

I would like to handle at least 16 tracks (the most I record at the same time is about 4 tracks) and require at least the same quality sound.

I need something with minimal down time, easy to maintain and setup. This means I do not want anything too cheap, nor too expensive either. I don't need real pro studio equipment as I no longer record as much as I used to,

I know I am probably opening up a can of worms here, but what equipment and software is recommended?

Thanks in advance!
*WHY* would you get rid of the ADATs??? (By the way, the 3630 makes a good doorstop.......) What is it about your current setup that makes you think you need to change it??? You should be able to make VERY decent recordings with what you've described (except the 3630!) - especially if, as you say, you're not doing A LOT of recording anymore.......

Bruce Valeriani
Blue Bear Sound
Mostly the reason for changing systems is space related as I have less room to handle the equipment these days, especially the Tascam 24 channel mixer. Since I don't record as much, I thought I could have a more compact system without sacrificing quality.

Secondly, it seems its easier (maybe its really not) to apply final mix automation and editing on PC-based recording. (I understand though that PC effects processing are really processor intensive.)

I guess the questions are then:

Isn't PC-based recording and mixing better quality and easier to use (punch-in's, edits, etc)than the ADAT/Analog system I currently have?? (Does the 3630 float or sink?)

Or is there more of a wait and see approach for PC-based technology to become really usable in a multi-track environment without a serious re-investment??
