mp3 fell down and can't get back up!!!!!!!

Kick ass. I would've wanted the lead guitar just a tiny bit louder. Great tune neighbor.:cool:

Good tune! I really like the chorus. It reminds me a bit of King's X;)
I hope someone gives you some production ideas, because this is a good tune that probably could sound even better.

Got anymore?

yeah, track...I keep forgetting you're just a few hours away!!!

Thanks for the info.....If possible, I'd like some of the 'elders' here to give me some pointers, as well......

but any opinions are good!!!!!!!!

Sab...planning on putting up a few more this weekend from our new E.P....

I'm hoping to get into recording bands fairly seriously soon, at least in a demo respect, and want to make sure people are getting their money's worth!
I dedicate this post to ozzie osbourn:

I like the opening gtrs, but the vocals are to MTV-ish for me. I would imagine this would get good airplay, appeal to the teenage listening crowd, but I can't relate to chorus's that say "yeah, yeah , yeah..." maybe a Beatles tune at sometime;)

The recording quality sounds homegrown, albeit very decently done. There is no studio *trickery* or *wizardry* that seems so prevelant on recordings nowadays, however. Kinda a no nonsense, guitar pop/rock tune, with a common set of chord ... 7 1/2.
sorry if my critiques have been a bit on the lame side....this sonusman shit has gotta end. I come to forums for other reasons...and now he has *squeezed* one more useless post out...and from me too... suck.....
cool......thanks mixmkr!

I know I've got a long way to go, but the way you were desribing the tune (straight ahead, no frills, sing along stuff) is what we were going for, so I'll take it as a thumbs up!!!!!! lol

I'll try to keep the MTV singing out of the next ones I post!!!!!

If anyone else has any suggestions on how the production aspect can be better, please feel free to shoot!

thanks again to all who checked it out!