Help my Mixes!


New member
Hopefully this is a simple question...

I dont have any hardware. All software. Kinda sucks but what can you do on a budget? Im allready living off top ramen...

Lets say i am tracking vox, guitar, bass and drums.

On these 4 instruments what is the "correct" order of the following processes:

Compression, EQ and reverb.

Most will say there is no "correct order" but if you could look past that response and answer in "general" terms regarding the "general" or "average" situation it would really help me out.

Because i dont have hardware all of my tracks are recorded totaly dry. Then to make them sound better and sit in the mix better i use those tools stated above.

The problem is i dont know if i should EQ before compression... EQ, reverb and then apply compression...

You get the idea.

How do you guys typically order Compression, EQ and Reverb when processing Bass, Drums, Guitar and Vox?