Help me!!


New member
i need something to record into using condenser mic for my vocals...i want to use this m audio pre usb..this one..

but thats all i want is for the phantom power to push the condenser mic...but now what if i get this mixer it comes with two mic with pre-amp and phantom power but way cheaper..

i record on aa. will this work the behringer to record on aa??? please help it would save me about 100.00 and i can put that to good use!! and the behringer how does it connect to pc?? usb or what? or do i need the maudio audio interface for all may pc applications?
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ok so i do need an interface anyway...thought i can just use mixer only...but i see i need interface...thats cool.i will just use the maudio pre usb...thats gonna be my interface with the amp and phantom power right???
ok so i do need an interface anyway...thought i can just use mixer only...but i see i need interface...thats cool.i will just use the maudio pre usb...thats gonna be my interface with the amp and phantom power right???
Yes you need an interface, the mobile pre has 2 preamps with phantom power so you won't need the mixer.
so when i get the maudio preusb...i can just point cakewalk or cool edit for my input on microphone it will detect it like a soundcard?
so when i get the maudio preusb...i can just point cakewalk or cool edit for my input on microphone it will detect it like a soundcard?
I've never used a USB interface but I doubt it's complicated. I'm sure the manual will tell you everything you need to know.
so when i get the maudio preusb...i can just point cakewalk or cool edit for my input on microphone it will detect it like a soundcard?

yes, it will function as your soundcard for recording purposes.
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