Help me out...


New member
Here is my equipment

cheap Crate mixer
Sennhiser e825 dynamic mic
Sound blaster live

Pretty pathetic huh? But it gets me by...
If I should upgrade, where should I start first? Should I get a Audiophile 2496, a condensor mic or upgrade the mixer?
(Assuming they all cost about the same)


Does your mixer support phantom power? If not - then I wouldnt get a condenser first.
What you need to figure out is what you want in the longrun. If you are going to be doing one track at a time, and never need a 10 in/out soundcard - then the Audiophile card would suit your needs. If that was the case, and you were fine mixing on a computer, then maybe you dont need a mixer afterall and youd want a preamp.
The worst thing is to buy something without long range planning because then you will regret it and think about how you couldve bought whatever instead.
So make sure you actually want a mixer and not some preamps. Make sure you dont need more than what the Audiophile gives you. If you need more, then dont buy it and save.
I wouldnt worry too much about the mic at the moment. It sorta depends on what you need the most. I used a cheap $10 radioshack mixer that I found on eBay that was powered by a 9volt battery and it served its purpose for several years. It was sent into a Soundblaster pci128 card which I bought FOR recording..I also used a technics tape deck before the computer recording bit. I used a milk crate as a mic stand for the amp (tied it in).
While your crate mixer and soundblaster card are scoffed at - you should only buy better if you need better. So figure out what you want to do in the future - what you want to record - and then make a gameplan from there. I wanted to "upgrade" and buy a 4 track tascam cassette portastudio back then. I had all the money saved, went to the store, and learned they had none in stock. I am very glad I never got one. I was ignorant and shortsighted. Do your research and then make your plan.
the dude above me said it all....make a plan before you start buying or you'll end up realizing how much money you spent and ebay could be your best friend.