Help me buy a guitar


Alchemy slut
Alright so I'm a drummer. I've been playing for 8 years now but I just moved into an apartment and can't play anymore :( So I'm going to be coming into some money soon and I want to get a guitar. I'm not completely guitar retarded but it's definately not my strongest talent either. I've got an Ibanez RG170 that, despite it's low price tag, I actually like and have gotten some decent results with (check my sig to hear my music and guitar tone I work with). I just want to upgrade basically but I dont know what to look for. My RG is just a little too bright and brittle sounding. I want a guitar with better tone, a little bit more mellow, but still good for metal because thats mainly what I play. Pretty much the only requirements are that it has to handle low tunings because I play in drop c. It doesnt matter if it's fixed bridge or not, I never use a whammy bar. I'm inclined to stick with Ibanez but I'm open to any suggestions. I'm looking to spend around 500-600 bucks but thats flexible too. Any help?
If you can make that $800-$1000 and want to stick with Ibanez, I'd say go for an AR300. I recently got one and absolutely love it. (I have several [4] Ibanez guitars) It's a more "Les Paulish" in tone and weight but still has a definate Ibanez feel to it. It's pretty gutsy for rock and metal (matched Ibanez 58 humbuckers on mine) with a lot of sustain. I know that's a lot more than you had in mind to spend but the AR300 is a lot more guitar than an RG170, not that there is anything wrong with RGs, I have one and play it a lot. The high end Ibanez guitars are quite nice, just climb the ladder as high as you can afford, maybe even a higher (better) RG or maybe just better pick ups for the one you have. Sorry if this sounds like a sales pitch for Ibanez, I didn't mean for it to. I guess I'm just an Ibanez fan, after all, they do play nice. I've played a lot of them and only played one that I didn't like.
Wow thanks for the reply. The AR300 looks awesome but that is a little more than I can afford. I wouldnt mind a higher end RG but I've also been noticing the SZ520 and so far I think that's what I'm leaning towards. Haha don't worry about pushing Ibanez, I really love Ibanez myself. They seem to play like a guitar that costs a lot more than they actually do. What was the one Ibanez you didnt like?
It's good to know there are other Ibanez fans around. The one I didn't like was an AX70 (the student cheapie) which played alright but seemed to be out of balance. I prefer to play standing up so if a guitar dosen't hang just right I wont play it much. You might want to look into some of the Artist Series Ibanez guitars, they cost less than the AR300 and are some really fine guitars for hard rock, around $500 will get you a real sweet one. I do recomend playing one before you buy though, the weight will vary and if you intend to use it for gigging that will make a difference.