Help! I'm Stuck In A Rut...


New member
Greetings all,

I'm BRAND NEW to the home recording world so please be gentle.

I just recently purchased the M-Audio Delta 44 card w/ breakout box, a Behringer UB 1202 Mixer and Adobe Auditon 1.0. Now I just need to know where to go from here.

I have the mixer running from the Main Outs into two ins on the Delta 44 breakout box. I have a vocal mic (Shure SM-58) in one chanel of the mixer to mic my guitar. In Adobe, the levels are so low that I have to crank my speaker volume up just to hear it. I have the chanels's level almost all the way up and the main mix slide is almost all the way to the top.

What am I doing wrong here? Any help would be grately appreciated. OH yeah, and I am planning on purchasing a condensor mic so will this help w/ the lack if input volume?

Have you checked out the MAudio Delta Control Panel to make sure that the recording level is up high enough? Go into the Monitor Mixer tab and check out the "H/W In 1/2" sliders to make sure that they're at a good level. This could be what's going on.

thanks for the feedback. I did find the M Audio Control Panel. What is a good setting you think? They were all, by default, all the way below -42.

Yes, I am from Chapel Hill. Thanks for the feedback but pardon my ignorance. What is an audophile? I currently have the M-Audio Delta 44.

I'm a REAL Newbie. Can't ya tell? Any advice out there is appreciated!

The Audiophile 24/96 is just another soundcard from M-audio. On the Delta 44 I think you just slide the faders up on the H/W in 1/2 on the monitor mixer page until you get a decent level in your software.
Dynamic mics need a lot of preamp gain to when recording quiet sources. Even after you get your monitor volume sorted out the mixer channel will probably still be just about maxed out.
So a pre-amp is what I need to boost the signal right? What can be used as a pre-amp and how would I hook this up? I have a SoundTech PA Head. Would this work as a pre-amp?

Clueless in Chapel Hill,