Help. I Want to Slave one 788 to another 788. How do I Do That?

I have two 788's and I want to use them together to provide more tracks to record to (at least 14) I don't have a manual but I've been told this can be done from some other owners via MIDI. If I understand correctly, the 788 will respond to MMC not MTC. How much of a cryptic process is involved in doing this? It should be as easy is using a sequencer or Keyboard Workstation with a Drum Machine, another midi keyboard etc. I've not been able to figure it out on the 788 yet. Can anyone here help? Thanks

You should be able to slave one 788 to another 788 for a total of 16 tracks, as the 788 generates/reads timecode internally in the cpu/control section of the device & doesn't eat up a track for recording timecode, (like analog recorders do). The 788 also generates, reads & chases MTC, so it should be fairly easy. I'm in no position to go into bit/switch level settings on this operation, but I've gleaned that info as an overview of your question.

