Help getting "big" kick and snare


New member
Hey guys. I was just hoping to get some tips on getting some big drum sounds. My drums are all superior drummer but I recently got Aptrigga so ive been sampling the kick and snare with random samples I've came across. Some of the samples are edited and some are completely raw. One example of a kick I like is the kick on "Ain't It Fun" by Paramore. It's really big and beefy sounding and I'm just wondering how to achieve that "kind of" sound as well as a good snare! Like compression techniques etc. Thanks alot!
Use real drums. When using other people's samples, you're just kind of stuck with what you get. Or find samples that have the sound you want.
Use real drums plus samples mixed together might get you closer, but im guessing all the drums on paramore's album are all samples so keep looking.
You can find Paramore's kick and snare samples on the web. Maybe it's worth searching for those, not necessarily so you can use them for yourself, but so you can hear what the samples sound like alone so you can get your own tracks sounding closer to them.
isn't eq the way for huge drums?
Not really. It will get you a very small part of the way there. Huge sounding drums is the way to huge soudning drums. That and the room you record them in is 90% of it. Combined with reverb and compression......EQ would play the smallest part of it.
First you need a huge drum kit:


Then a Huge drum room:
