help get a newbie started.


New member
i know some of you have gotten.......well..... tired of the "whats best" kind of questions. so ill try to atack this from a diferent angle.
i think i have about decided to start putting together a little home studio, mainly for me, my friends, and my famly members that play.
heres some info: i play blues such as "muddy waters" , the three kings:bb,albert and freddie, as well as stuff like
"eric clapton" and "stevie ray vaughn"
i also like some rock, classic r&b, and soul.
i do go a little more contemperary some times.
heres my recording situation: im a student so keep that in mind money wise.
iv been using a porta 2(wich i stiil like) as well as doing a little computer recording.
i think ive about decided to go adat.
i dont think i want to have it computer based, and reel to reel tape is expensive. i dont think i need too many channels 8 is good for now.
what im asking of you people on this forum is for some PERSONAL APINIONS on what you can sugest gear wise(adat machines , mixing boards , ect ....) to maybe get my studio off the ground.
if any of you would like any more info just let me know.
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