Help for begginners and barre chords (F-)

Layla Nahar

New member

Barre chords were really making me crazy
If I played F- or any minor chord on the E string, I
could never get the G string to ring out. Its was
always muted. I got this helpful advice from a freind.
It made such a difference in my playing,
that I wanted to share it.

What works is that to slide your barring finger up
so that the first joint from the bottom is close to the G
string. Then make sure your thumb is parralell to the
neck, not perpendicular, and it should be pretty much
under the G string. Then, when you play, imagine that
you are pinching the G string between that first joint of
your barre finger and your thumb that's just rignt
underneath G. Try it a couple of times & adjust
the barring finger a bit, and you should eventually
get a nice clear sound. I hope this helps, it helped
me a lot!
