Help finding elec. drum pads (specific ones)

Ok, so you CAN use 2 modules at the same time? I'm actually going with a DM5 for about 275 through my local GC... I'll end up buying a 2nd one and using one for drums, and one for cymbals... Would 2 modules work well with 1 instance of DKFHS?

Thanks for all the help,


I have a DM5 racked in my studio and it works just fine. I think you are making a goo choice. I don't thin the midi controls had a midi through so you wound need to combine the two midi outs. All in all the DM5 IMO is the better choice. Another good model for triggering external samples is the Roland TD-3. The can be had for a reasonalbe price on e-bay as well.
Ok, so you CAN use 2 modules at the same time? I'm actually going with a DM5 for about 275 through my local GC... I'll end up buying a 2nd one and using one for drums, and one for cymbals... Would 2 modules work well with 1 instance of DKFHS?

Thanks for all the help,


Yeah, you can expand your inputs pretty infinitely (provided you had the CPU power to have that many samples loaded in DFHS). Most MIDI drum modules have a MIDI in and out. You'd just connect the MIDI out of your 2nd module to the main module's MIDI in to expand.

If you're still looking for 16+ inputs in one module and you've got some electronics experience you could build your own module. I built an eDrum module ( with 22 inputs and variable hihat control. It's a little more work than just buying one, but it's not so bad! Beauty of it is, this can be done for less than the price of the TriggerIO. I'd recommend it if you're into DIY gear.
I'm actually bidding on a td-20s kit.... for a STEAL! Hopefully this guy isn't an idiot, and he's actually willing to let it go for what I'm asking. I guess we'll see in 13 hours, eh?
I'm actually bidding on a td-20s kit.... for a STEAL! Hopefully this guy isn't an idiot, and he's actually willing to let it go for what I'm asking. I guess we'll see in 13 hours, eh?

Careful...not to sound pessimistic or anything, but there have been quite a few TD-20 scams running on eBay. There's a good chance that if it looks like a steal, it very well may be...just not one to your advantage.
Yeah, he ended up saying "forget your bid, just give me 1500 dollars, and I'll pay for overnight DHL delivery across the Atlantic shipping included"............oh yeah, and I don't have paypal here....just send it Western Union.....LMFAO!!!


I told him