Help finding clean Preamp with USB


New member
Can anyone suggest a clean, noise free solution to use with my Grace 101?

I was looking into the Apogee Mini Me to replace my Grace, but I heard the Mini Me is not really quiet. Is there something that will document the Grace's input onto my laptop via firewire or USB without adding any noise, whatsoever?

Or is there an all in one USB/Firewire solution like the Mini Me that will sound as clean & quiet as the Grace when recorded onto my laptop?

Thanks for your help!
WHYYYY would you get rid of a grace 101??? :confused:
i guess with laptops, you're better off with maudio, digidesign, lexicon, or such interfaces with firewire/usb.
how much you plan on selling ur grace for? :o
WHYYYY would you get rid of a grace 101??? :confused:
I want to keep the Grace, but using it with my Saffire is producing noise on the Saffire side. So if there is an all in one solution that would be less noisy than the chain I have, such as the Apogee Mini-Me, I would get rid of the Grace. But if I can find something noiseless to replace the Saffire, that's the route I'd rather take because I love the Grace's sacchariny sweetness.

It seems like the Echo AudioFire 8 might fit the bill, but I'm not too sure yet because I have an Echo Gina 3G & I'm not sure how much better the Audiofire is than the 3G, but the 3G is not better or worse than the Saffire.