HELP! Compression or what?? Mix is off... ugh.


New member
Hi guys,

I've been trying to get a good mixdown of my tracks, but when I bounce them all to a single stereo track - The signal is just WAY too strong through parts of the song. The individual tracks aren't clipping at all. Most don't get closer than -3db... I think it has to do with when it all gets mixed down to a single track - the signals all stack or something. AUGH!! :confused:

So I have been going to the GFX:SQUEEZE (compression plugin) tool and applying the "Mix Compression" preset. But this causes the various track levels to get a little dodgy. I have to be honest, I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to do to get everything back in line levels-wise.

What should I do??? I need some serious help. I'm tired of shooting in the dark without a clue. :(

For examples, you can simply listen to the first handful of short songs at my soundclick site.
Pardon the playing... I'm just looking for answers to the mix.

Thanks for your help in advance!
Basically you're right. A bunch of tracks not clipping on their own can add up to a over-level.
If you run the mix live with the master fader at zero (or with the master meter set 'post -after any and all gain settings on the master- and in peak mode) the meter should indicate the true mix-out level, same as you get when you bounce or export.
Bounce it to a mix track, solo it on a clean (zeroed) new bus. Use peak hold to watch for where the peaks are coming from. Find the culprits in the source tracks above. Zap um. ;)
If need be, make small adjustments at the master to bring it in line. If it's way off, bring it down the track levels.
If you have a bunch of tracks that are recorded way-hot/compressed (or normalized :p shame on you :p ) take them down at the track trim for happy plugs and mixes.
IMHO fix level problems with level changes. Save the compressors for when they sound good (or at least as a last resort).
Hmmm okay - YES... I do normalize everything. I thought that was what I was supposed to do... make all the volumes "normal" (that is, all at a particular normal level). Ummm... oops.

I don't see a master levels meter that would show the full mix' level. I have seen that before in other software but not in Guitar Tracks Pro 3. It's probably there - I just haven't found it yet (only had the software about a month or so).

What do you mean by solo it on a clean bus? Isn't soloing the mixdown track (like, on track 16 or whatever) the same basic thing?

I guess I might need to drop all the track levels by -6db or so... then have another go at a mix down.

Please advise on the questions in this post - and THANKS for the reply. :)
Sorry, I was assuming sonar or such. But were still on the right track. Put you main out at zero, move the tracks down until the mix is at a healthy level.
YES... I do normalize everything. I thought that was what I was supposed to do... make all the volumes "normal" (that is, all at a particular normal level). Ummm... oops.
Ya. We're trying to get that fixed -renaming it Abnormalizing' so that doesn't happen... :) :D :D :D
ps; Healthy digital is in the -18 to -3 range.
Hey ya - I followed your tips - and things "seem" MUCH better. Would you mind listening to the Behemoth Rising song in particular and let me know if it sounds good through your gear? I don't have monitors etc... to get a "pro" sound - so I gotta make do.
