Help! 4-track --> CD-R


New member
Hi all,

I have a Tascam 4-track and want to mix down onto CD. I want to invest in a CD-R but I'm not sure what the best way to go is....

I've heard that getting the CD-R's for your computer require you to create a .wav file of the song and then put that file onto CD. Doesn't the process of putting the song in .wav format hurt the quality? Or does it depend what kind of soundcard you have?

What about the stand-alone CD-R components?

I was also looking at maybe getting the new Phillips shelf system with the CD-R built in. It says it records from any audio source. But do you think it has crappy analogue to digital converter?

Thanks for your help!

if you go onto your computer then you will need to get some recording software that allows you to record onto your computer and then convert it to a .wav file (in addition to the CD burner). Cakewalk Home Studio 9 runs about $100 and it will also alow you to finalize your mix (add EQ, effects, ect.) in addition to converting it to .wav. You may want to look for a CD burner at a computer store, rather than at a music store (their usually more expensive), expect to spend around $150-$200. And once the sound is on your computer, converting to wav. doesn't hurt the quality.

The stand alone CD-Rs can be pretty expensive and won't give you the finallizing capabilities that you have with the computer software, so I think this is going to be your best bet :)