Hello, let me bore YOU with stuff about ME


New member
Hi I'm Pat.

It just seemed proper to introduce my self since I decided to come out from my bunker in cozy Cincinnati, OH and post on this great msg board. I've been lurking round here since late Dec. 1999 when I was in a band and we decided to try to make some "quality" recordings of our songs. Boy was I in for a surprise..

I had NO clue about what I was doing..

mics into a "found object" power amp into SBLive Platinum recording in SF ACID music 1.0. Even worse.. pluging a mic into the "mic in" on the front of the damn SB (B..buh..but.. they said it was for musicians.. Creative!© wouldn't lead me astray..)

I could have died. I should have been arrested... Instead I just made crappy music. And temperarily shattered some of my band members rock star dreams. (After many hours of MY hard work turd polishing we decided to call it quits..)

I still make crappy music, but to me it's always sounding a little bit better.

Thanks Home Recording dot com BBS and community, you've helped me make musical product that I can somewhat tolerate.**


**(Still working on convincing others..)

Christ man! What took you so long?
The first time I hooked on this forum I signed on in less than
4 minutes.
When I saw all the info and the good times they where having
here... It was a no brainer.

Very cool you are here now though.

whats up Pat- I too have a bunker in the frozen tundra of Cincinnati. Oh- what kind of music do you do
eyeslikefire said:

Christ man! What took you so long?
The first time I hooked on this forum I signed on in less than
4 minutes.
When I saw all the info and the good times they where having
here... It was a no brainer.

Very cool you are here now though.


I lurked from 11-18-1999 till 10-21-2001, when I finally decided to post something, I had forgotten my pasword and my email had changed so I created a new account.

Wish I hadnt, it would be cool to have 1999 under my username.

My original account was this one
yo trick-

I just caught your response to my thread in feedback. I've been quite busy with the music scene and not around lately. Just wanted to give a yell to the other Cincy boys.

The east/west comment was funny though, since I'm north of town and we dont get caught up in that:).

Anyways, welcome here officially. Lots of good info and people. I'd be around more, but things are actually going well and I dont have all day to sit on my butt any more.

See ya 'round,
pretty cool- kinda odd music- your right- i dont know what kinda music you do either- but i dig it- the stuff up on our site is pretty old- i need to get some new stuff up there- i think ive learned some new tricks since we recorded that stuff almost a year ago- are you in a band now or just makin music on your own?

Thanks everyone! Been working me arse off lately and free time, like cheap gas station beer, is at state minimum.

Glad you're keeping busy with the outside world. What's it like? Last I checked it was getting close to what the kids call "Why Two K"... I have no idea what that means!?! I am also am from "Up North"(<20 min.) but migrated south for the weather and to get schooled. And I sure got schooled.

All joking aside I wish I had much more time to devote to the local music scene. Some locals I really enjoy include Ass Ponys, Fairmont Girls, readymaid, Over the Rhine, etc. forever.

Track Rat-
Aww shucks man <does the buddy shoulder punch thing>

Thanks for checking it out. I gather inspiration from all kinds of music, so I can take odd as a sincere compliment. As of now I make music on my own, but in another life I was in a band called The Shrubs, for a laugh http://www.mp3.com/theshrubs .. :) during and for a little while after HS. Trust me.. your mp3's sound like gold compared to the boombox recordings on that page.

'Pilot' started about 3 years ago and was 'finished' recently. 'Film' was a half hour of fury around Sep. 2002 when I heard about idiots making a stupid movie on the 9-11 tradgedy. So sometimes it's slow going, but then I'll get angry or inspired and I'll just press record and go. For the most part I can't stand my voice, so singing has been the hardest part of the DIY thang.

Is Kremit gigging? If so I'll try my best to catch a show and raise a fist in the air. BTW I'm really digging funeral. The bass sound you captured is both haunting and grooving at the same time.

Wow. Where does the time go?

trickless fan count: [1] (thanks Jeff)
we get out every month or two- we just played the Library last weekend- )hole in the wall bar in clifton by subway on McMillan-
BTW I'm really digging funeral. The bass sound you captured is both haunting and grooving at the same time.

Thanks- as i am the bass player and the "recording engineer" I take that as a compliment- funny though- thats one of my personal least favorites- i was raised musically on punk rock - so i tend to lean more toward the more aggresive, faster, more brutal stuff.
